IfAD Public Talk Series

Our speakers are leading national and international experts and policymakers who talk about the economic and development issues, challenges, and opportunities of our time. The talks are open to general audience, and all are encouraged to attend.

Empowering Rural Women and Developing Rural Livelihoods

Speaker: Parmesh Shah,
Global Lead for Rural Livelihoods and Agricultural Jobs World Bank
Time:October 28 | 3:30 to 5:00 PM

Bio: Dr. Shah is the Global Lead for Rural Livelihoods and Agricultural Jobs at the World Bank. In this position he provides leadership to World Bank’s work in these areas and supports development of global knowledge and learning in these areas to offer solutions to clients and other development partners. He also leads the rural livelihood and development cluster in South Asia region of the World Bank and is involved in designing and supporting rural poverty reduction and inclusive growth programs in the region. His current areas of interest are economic and social organizations and networks of the poor, making markets and public services work for the poor, social entrepreneurship, ICT-based innovations in agriculture and rural development, and public private and people partnerships for rural poverty reduction. Before joining the Bank, he worked for governments, civil society organizations, foundations.

Other bilateral and multilateral development organizations in Asia and Africa regions in the areas of community driven development, participatory approaches, institutional change and natural resources management.

The governments in South Asia and Africa have been mobilizing women across rural areas into self-help groups, village organizations, federations, and producer organizations for their empowerment and rural livelihoods enhancement. These programs have built strong social capital among rural women and particularly the poor at bottom of pyramid, which has led to transformation of social capital into human, financial, and economic capital, with greater access to credit, labor and other market opportunities. The economic and behavioral impacts of these programs have been transformative. This talk will discuss the approach, theory of change, the interventions, impacts, and the key implementation challenges.

Insights from economics, law, and behavioral sciences to inform identification and designs of effective development policies and programs to promote agency and economic development.

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The Initiative for Agency and Development
McClelland Park 304F, 650 N. Park Ave.
University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85719

We are a leading source of insights and policy dialogues concerning poverty, agency, and development:

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