Our mission is to promote solutions to the problems of poverty, agency, and development. We bring together researchers from economics, law and behavioral sciences to work with international institutions, foundations, governments, and communities to promote economic development through research, education and outreach programs, and policy dialogues.


Integrated Research, Education, and Outreach. Learning by experimentation.


Mixed methods. Field Experiments. Lab Experiments. Data Analysis. Economic and Psychological theory. Legal analysis.


Rigor, Relevance, Excellence, and Teamwork

The Initiative for Agency and Development is an organization located at the University of Arizona that seeks to integrate insights from economics, law, and behavioral sciences to inform identification and designs of effective development policies and programs to promote agency and economic development.

Mailing Address:

The Initiative for Agency and Development
McClelland Park 304F, 650 N. Park Ave.
University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85719

We are a leading source of insights and policy dialogues concerning poverty, agency, and development:

© 2022 The Initiative for Agency and Development