The Initiative Agency And Development


Agency, Poverty, Development. Social Philosophy & Policy, Volume 40.1. Forthcoming

Assessing multilevel determinants of smallholder crop choice in irrigated agriculture of Central Nepal (with Bhuwan Thapa), Climate and Development, Forthcoming

The Quiet Resignation: Why Do So Many Female Lawyers Abandon Their Careers? (with Jane Bambauer). Volume 10, Issue 3, U.C. Irvine Law Review, 2020. Lead Article.

Measuring Quality of Life across Countries: A Multiple Indicators and Multiple Causes Approach (with Ron Mittelhammer and Phil Wandschneider). Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Vol. 40 (1):43-52, 2011.

Determinants of Dietary Quality: Some Evidence from Bangladesh. (with Arif Rashid and Lisa Smith). World Development. Vol. 39(12):2221-2231, 2011.

Determinants of environmental noncompliance by public water systems. (with Mini Kohli, Sharon Megdal, Jackie Moxley and Satheesh Aradhyula). Contemporary Economic Policy. Vol. 28(2):264-274, 2010.

Environmental Justice and Enforcement of Safe Drinking Water Act: The Arizona Arsenic Experience (with Dennis Cory). Ecological Economics, Vol. 68, PP: 1825-1837, 2009.

Determinants of Public Health Expenditure: Some Evidence from Indian States. Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 15, PP: 853-857, 2008.

Measuring the Quality of Life across Countries. Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 14, PP: 779- 783, 2007.

Who are today’s farmers and what are their educational needs? (Tranel, J.; J. Hewlett; R. Weigel; Teegerstrom, T; C. Ehmke). Western Economics Forum, Vol. VII, No. 1, PP: 22-31, 2008.

Defining New Clientele for Outreach in the West. (with Tranel, J.; Hewlett, J; Weigel, R; Ehmke, C.; and Teegerstrom, T.). Farm Management Association Congress Proceedings, PP: 871-880, 2007

Measuring the Quality of Life across Countries: A Sensitivity Analysis of Well-being Indices. (with Ron Mittelhammer and Phil Wandschneider). UN-WIDER Research Paper No. 2005/06, 2005.

Determinants of Child Labor in Indian States: Some Empirical Explorations (1961-1991). (with DP Chaudhri, A. L. Nagar, and EJ Wilson). Journal of Quantitative Economics, New Series: Vol.1, No. 1: 1-19, 2003.

Insights from economics, law, and behavioral sciences to inform identification and designs of effective development policies and programs to promote agency and economic development.

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The Initiative for Agency and Development
McClelland Park 304F, 650 N. Park Ave.
University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85719

We are a leading source of insights and policy dialogues concerning poverty, agency, and development:

We respectfully acknowledge the University of Arizona is on the land and territories of Indigenous peoples. Today, Arizona is home to 22 federally recognized tribes, with Tucson being home to the O’odham and the Yaqui. Committed to diversity and inclusion, the University strives to build sustainable relationships with sovereign Native Nations and Indigenous communities through education offerings, partnerships, and community service.

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